11th December 2018
Today we are here sitting at group, just blogging and a random ting came into my head and it was about 'Gender Neutral Toilets'...........
We would like to spread the awareness and the challenges that Trans People face, when using public toilets.
As a Trans young person, using a public toilet that isn't gender neutral can be uncomfortable, anxious, watched, and stressful plus so many more feelings. Sometimes I have to use disabled toilets to stop all of the above feelings, and this makes me feel bad. Trans people aren't disabled and we don't want to be in this position. Gender Neutral Toilets work, we have them in New College and no one cares in a positive way. We had a look on the interweb and even 'The White House' has Gender Neutral Loos, plus other places in the UK like London Barbican, University of Northampton, Lancaster University.
I believe having Gender Neutral Toilets around Swindon, would help people gain confidence who question their gender or just want to feel safe.
This could be as simple as changing a sign.... in some places.